7 Best Stained Glass Starter Kit (For Adults)

7 Best Stained Glass Starter Kit (For Adults)

People have created art from stained glass since time immemorial. When you walk into historical monuments, churches, or mosques, huge stained glass windows and other artefacts welcome you. You can’t help but stand in awe at the sight of those! I lose myself in its glory and beauty, and bet you do too!

More and more people have started developing a keen interest in learning how to create art from stained glass. As a beginner, stained glass starter kits will help you dive into this hobby and improve your skill significantly. 

Buying the perfect stained glass starter kit can be a daunting task, which is why we prepared a list of the Best Stained Glass Starter Kit to help you guide you through your buying process without letting you make any compromises! 

1- Professional 16 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Kit

Professional 16 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Kit

Professional 16 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained

If you are just getting started on your journey with stained glass, this is the ideal choice for you. This IMT Mosaic Tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Set is a popular choice among beginners owing to its comfort and ease of use.

It has an excellent array of 16 tools for you to try that are vital for making stained glass. It contains four glass cutters of mixed styles, three different pliers, a leading knife, tweezers, a glazing hammer, cutting square, fid, small suction cup, lead vise came, safety glasses, and protective gloves. All these tools have different functions to perform to help you with stained glass.

This set also comes with an included carrying case to store the tools. Most users found it affordable, handy, and durable. 

One of the most frequently asked questions about this kit was if the running pliers have rubber pads. It was found that there are no rubber pads on the business end of the running pliers.

Reasons to Buy

  • It is decently priced. The tools are adequate and perform well.

Reasons to Avoid

  • The case does not have sufficient room to fit in the tools. Most of the buyers and users described an issue regarding missing caps on running pliers making it a common problem. There were also complaints that the running pliers have flat ends instead of being curved.

Our take on the product: If you need a set that comes with a wide range of products and is affordable, this is the set for you! It can be the perfect start to your journey with stained glass! Buying a kit with many tools is better than purchasing individual tools.

2- Professional 13 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Set

13 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tools

Professional 13 Pieces Mosaic tile

“Thrive for precision, perfection will follow.” This set helps you turn this quote into reality. The tools provided by this kit will allow you to cut and break glass with utmost precision.

It provides a collection of 13 pieces of tools like three mixed pliers, four glass cutters of different styles, a glazing hammer, a small suction cup, safety glasses, protective gloves, etc. It is lightweight which makes it appropriate for indoor as well as outdoor settings. 

This toolset is compatible with both professionals and beginners owing to its handy tools that guarantee excellent results. It is accompanied by a carrying case to store the tools. 

Reasons to Buy

  • The tools can be used outdoors conveniently and are designed to perform with intricacy. It is appropriate for all users and has a great mix of products.

Reasons to Avoid

  • The carrying case does not have enough room to fit in all the tools. It does not have great reviews on Amazon. There are many complaints about missing tools. 

Our take on the product: If you are a beginner and do not wish to be overwhelmed with extra tools, Professional 13 Pieces Mosaic tile and Stained Glass Start-up Tool Set is ideal for you.

3- Ultimate Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

Ultimate Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

Ultimate Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

This kit proves to be an excellent choice among amateurs and professionals alike! It is cut out for different purposes making it suitable for all users. The Ultimate Stained Glass Start-up Kit is a high-end product that is easy to use, maintain, and clean. 

It offers a broad spectrum of a whopping 27 tools including Glastar Superstar II glass grinder, flux, flux brush, flux removers, soldering iron stand, and running pliers among many others. The glass grinder is a great investment due to its powerful motor and large work surface. The Hakko soldering iron is energy efficient and can work for longer duration. 

 In addition to offering basic tools, it also consists of advanced tools like the homasote board that you may require for your future projects.

The kit gives utmost importance to safety as it delivers safety glasses, a face shield with a lens, and an instruction manual. The excellent assortment of tools included in this kit makes it an impressive choice. It offers all the possible tools you would require to make tasks simple!

Although the image on Amazon shows that the grinder is of Studio Pro brand, the actual product belongs to Glastar. This product has received warm reviews by verified buyers on Amazon making it reliable and trust-worthy.

Reasons to Buy

  • It offers high-quality tools with sufficient safety supplies. It is like a one-stop toolkit for all needs.

Reasons to Avoid

  • It has too many tools, some of which could go unused for a beginner. It can be confusing for users to work with so many tools. It is expensive and buyers complained of missing parts.

Our take on the product: If you have the budget for it, this kit has all you need. It has the power to ensure you enjoy your learning curve! It is highly recommended if you think you will continue to pursue your hobby. It is better to buy this kit at once instead of ordering another kit with fewer items and later realizing you need to purchase more tools. Although an expensive investment, this kit can save a lot in the future.

4- Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

If you are exploring and experimenting with stained glass, the Stained Glass Start-Up Kit by Dolphi Glass Store might help. This kit is ideal if you’re newly stepping into the world of stained glass. It guarantees maximum savings. 

The start-up kit consists of 13 different tools, out of which several are renowned brands like the Weller 100 watt soldering iron, Gryphette glass grinder, etc. It has an in-buit temperature controller that is responsible for maintaining temperature evenly. The tools are easy to use and award distinguished results. 

It also has a Stained Glass Made Easy DVD  to help you learn and educate yourself as it contains different ideas to get the best results. It is medium-priced and is handy indoors as well as outdoors.

The seller also provides information that will link you to various websites for instructions regarding the tools. A lot of the reviews about this toolkit appreciated the eco-friendly packaging of the product and liked receiving a thank you note from the seller.

Reasons to Buy

  • It has a great set of tools, the educational DVD is a cherry on top. It provides 8 pieces of stained glass in a variety of gorgeous colors.

Reasons to Avoid

  • The Gryphette grinder is suitable for light or medium work, but it is not suitable for heavy work. The kit also does not provide safety gloves which is an essential safety precaution.

Our take on the product: It features superior quality tools. As beginners, you may not indulge in heavy work, this kit will be an ideal choice as the DVD can guide you through.

5- Beginner Best Stained Glass Kit

Beginner Best Stained Glass Kits

Beginner Best Stained Glass Kit

A beginner-friendly kit will allow you to enjoy all that stained glass has to offer. One such kit is this kit by Nautique Glass brand. It weighs less which makes it ideal for indoor and outdoor workspace.

The exact number of pieces that it offers is not known.  Although, it does offer a glass cutter, beginner pattern flux brush, cutting fluid fetcher, and safety glasses. The Hakko Red soldering iron does not have a temperature controller.

Additionally, it provides a Solder Stained Glass Basics Book to guide you through the basics of soldering and welding. This will help you work on stained glass without any prior experience or knowledge. 

It also includes a variety of stained glass pieces of approximately 1 lb to help you get aboard the idea of stained glass. However, over time you will need more glass pieces if you want to make something bigger. It does not include a grinder which you may need once you decide to try something advanced.

Reasons to Buy

  • It comes with a book that can be handy for new users. The small pieces of glass can help you start with your new projects. The seller includes a list of sites to teach you more about stained glass. It has good reviews on Amazon.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Accurate information regarding the number of tools and the size of the kit is missing. It is difficult to make an informed choice without the necessary information.

Our take on the product: If you’re willing to take the risk, this becomes affordable and beginner-friendly with the book to sail you through.

6- Deluxe Stained Glass Tool Kit

Deluxe Stained Glass Tool Kit

Deluxe Stained Glass Tool Kit

This kit proves to be a fine choice for newbies to learn and grow with. Deluxe Stained Glass Tool Kit is affordable and offers a great assortment of tools.

It equips Supercutter glass cutter, Weller 100 Watt soldering iron, Studio Pro breaker, running pliers, flux, flux remover, safety glasses, etc. The use of Weller soldering iron makes it fit for medium and heavy implementation. The comprehensive combination of hand tools provide all vital pieces to develop your new found hobby.

Supercutters and Studio Pro are well reputed and reliable brands that are an added benefit. Necessary tools like copper foil, fid, and burnisher will help you begin your stained glass project.

Reasons to Buy

  • It is affordable. Relevant tools of renowned brands are available. When products have a good brand name attached to them, they become more reliable and trust-worthy.

Reasons to Avoid

  • Glass does not come included in the kit and needs to be bought separately, which increases the initial cost of stained glass. It also does not contain an instruction manual. As new users, using tools without proper knowledge could be dangerous. 

Our take on the product: It is an affordable, great quality tool kit to get you started with stained glass. It is useful and durable and shall be at your service for a long course of time.

7- Deluxe Stained Glass Start-Up Kit (15 Items)

Deluxe Stained Glass Start-Up Kit

Deluxe Stained Glass Start-Up Kit (15 Items)

This kit could be your perfect friend with just the right set of tools. It is affordable and lets you have your dream stained glass starter kit! The sellers have come up with a terrific combination of their favorite tools and designed this admirable toolkit.

Deluxe Stained Glass Start-Up Kit offers a collection of 15 tools that could be ideal to break the ice between you and your newfound hobby! It includes Glastar Superstar II grinder, Weller soldering iron, flux, flux remover, ruler, marking pen, safety glasses, splash guard among other tools. 

This combination of tools makes the kit ideal for beginners and a popular choice among them. It is fit for light to medium-sized implementation.There are no product reviews on Amazon.

Reasons to Buy

  • Superior quality tools mostly belonging to renowned brands which give assurance to users.

Reasons to Avoid

  • It does not provide glass and must therefore be purchased separately. This increases your budget significantly as the glass comes at an added cost.

Our take on the product: It could offer a few more power tools given its price. If you want only basic tools, to begin with, this is ideal for you.

Stained Glass Starter Kit Buying Guide

1- Price of the Kit:

Before making a rash decision, check the prices of available items. Match to see if they are compatible with your budget. 

You can purchase an expensive kit with countless tools. But if you don’t know how to use most of the tools, you have spent a lot on nothing. Make informed decisions by considering all options. 

Read through all the reviews and predict whether the products will give you your money’s worth.

2- Tools and Supplies Included:

Look into all the tools and supplies that a kit offers. It should consist of all the necessary tools. Some starter kits provide glass packages of different colors and sizes for you to explore and use. Buying glass separately can be costly and as a beginner, you may want to keep your investment minimum. 

If the material of the tools is poor, you will struggle while working on glass. The quality of tools will have an impact on the quality of your project. Cheap tools could destroy your glass, or worse, hurt you. Always buy superior quality products.

Also ensure that the tools are basic because as a beginner, you might get confused if you directly begin working on stained glass using complex tools. If you think you will continue your hobby and try to be more efficient, then it will be smart to choose the set that is suitable for advanced projects as well.

3- Educational Material and Guides:

Some toolkits provide teaching material to educate new users about the functions of different tools. They also consist of simple patterns to make on the stained glass. 

Certain toolkits contain books, manuals, and DVDs which prove to be extremely helpful for beginners. More and more sellers are attaching links to useful websites for beginners. It will be smart to go through all instructions before trying to use tools incorrectly.

4- Safety Precautions:

For an inexperienced person, directly using tools can be dangerous. Protecting your hands and eyes is important to keep you safe.

Take note of whether or not the starter kits provide gloves and other protective accessories to reduce the risk of cut or burn. 

5- Size and Weight:

If you want to work with a portable starter kit, you need to ensure that the starter kit is lightweight. Check the specifications mentioned in the product’s description to make a wise choice. 

It is tough to move bulky items from one place to another. It also becomes difficult to store large items. The carrying case is usually insufficient to store the tools. 


“There is joy in being a beginner.” We know you have discovered this joy and want to explore it. It may be difficult to attain perfection immediately, but you must remember that ‘every expert was once a beginner.’ 

When you are new to an experience, you are open to the challenges that accompany them. Having the correct perspective will make this experience rewarding. Creating art on stained glass will push you to try new things. The best starter kit will be like a perfect companion to a beginner.

There are so many kits with so many tools that can confuse potential buyers. For someone who is new to stained glass, the extensive variety available can be overwhelming. But your hobby shouldn’t exhaust you, it should help you relax.

 We understand that it is a time-consuming task to choose the best starter kit, which is why we have prepared a list of the 7 Best Stained Glass Starter Kit in 2021 to make this task simple and quicker for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

1- What safety precautions should be taken while using stained glass?

Little shreds of glass pieces can get into your eyes and skin and cause irreversible damage. Using protective gear should be a priority for beginners as well as professionals. 
Most toolkits include glasses, gloves, and headgear to prevent tiny pieces of glass from hurting you. Additionally, the dust residue from working on the glass is harmful to your body. Wearing a mask and apron is recommended. Do not use tools that you don’t know to use. Watch videos or read instructions before using dangerous tools.

2- Is stained glass an expensive hobby?

All hobbies cost something. Some cost time and effort, while some cost money. Buying supplies for stained glass can be a little expensive especially when you don’t know what you are looking for. If you are willing to invest in it, it is rewarding.
The initial expenditure may go up to 150$ which includes the cost of glass and other basic tools. The decision to purchase more tools is personal and may vary depending on how you decide to continue this hobby. 
To do it more professionally, you will definitely need state-of-the-art tools to match your skills and interest. If you are enthusiastic about continuing the hobby, more supplies are waiting for you. 

3- Which tools do you need to start working on glass?

First and foremost, ensure that you have the right type of glass. You will then need different equipment to measure, cut, weld, and shape the glass.
Hammers and pliers are among the basic tools. Identify the purpose of using stained glass because that will determine the tools you will need. Other than that, you need a ruler, paper, and pencils to measure and mark. Protective gear is mandatory to ensure safety.

4- How difficult is it to learn stained glass?

Every hobby needs practice. To master this art, you need lots and lots of experience, and that will only come by practice. Once you learn how to begin, we bet you wouldn’t want to stop. All you need is dedication and the interest to learn more. 
The willingness to learn and being brave enough to try new things will take you places. You will enjoy working on the stained glass as you learn more about the art. 

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Sam Jordan
By Sam Jordan

With a deep-seated passion for the timeless art of stained glass, Sam Jordan embarked on a journey to create Stained Glass Guru. As a dedicated enthusiast and advocate for the craft, Sam's mission extends beyond mere admiration. Through Stained Glass Guru, he aspires to educate, inspire, and equip individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to delve into the world of stained glass. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a curious beginner, Sam's insights and expertise are here to guide you through the mesmerizing realm of stained glass artistry.

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